
Here are the bug fixes and enhancements for Version

  • Added facility for icons and tooltips to buttons in button bar at bottom of pages.
  • Added such buttons and tips to pretty well everything. This is a good example of how much easier it is to work on this version – it only involved a change to one template file and one configuration file (plus finding a few new icons!).
  • Made “reset to defaults” work for options
  • Added new options to show only some parts of route output
  • Added turns to itinerary
  • Quick hack to allow internal links with the new wiki parser – but still needs work (contact developer?)
  • Fixed bug where displaying empty pages looped forever
  • Fixed wiki to allow editing of non-existant pages
  • Re-organised the “what’s new pages” slightly
  • Basic drop-down menu editing functionality on main planner page
  • Floating boxes rather than table on main planner – should be better for different browser sizes

Please post bugs for this version as comments so we can pick them up and work on them.